Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Banana or Plantain: You Be the Judge

As I was letting out my greyhounds today, I noticed these obnoxious weeds that seem very prolific in my well manicured lawn. I'm not the best groundskeeper by any sense of the word, but I was told that what these HUGE weeds are are plantains.

Here's what I'm talking about:

This confuses me. It doesn't look like a banana, now, does it? No, it looks nothing like banana-type plantains that I've seen at Logli's; and furthermore, I can never decide if a plantain is or is not a banana. I've been told it's not a banana, because they taste different. I probably will never try a plantain, since it indeed LOOKS like a banana....and I hate bananas. I guess it's their texture, and their smell. And since I don't like the texture or the smell, I suppose that I won't like plantains either. I especially don't like bananas in jello. And for that matter, I don't like jello. So for me, bananas and jello are a double dose of badness in my book. But that is a discussion for another day.... Yet, I see no banana-like fruit coming from my lawn.

I've doused my lawn in a variety of chemicals, but these pseudo-bananas just keep coming back and I don't know what to do. I've been told to use dish soap. I am probably going to try that too, since I've always wanted my hands to feel Palmolive soft, the likes of which Madge would be envious. I'm also curious to know what an anti-bacterial orange lawn smells like.... I may not kill them, but I'll have the BEST smelling lawn in the neighborhood if nothing else.

Anyhow, if anyone out there has some advice on this, I'm all ears. Word to the wise: I'm not one for complexities or multiple steps, nor am I an aspiring chemist. I want to rid my lawn of these noxious weeds, not blow it up. HELP!!!!!

1 comment:

Donna said...

I'd never heard of a Plantain weed, but I recognized them when I looked up a picture online.

I tried a weed puller at Hanne's house that worked great! I think she can get them cheaper because D's mom works for Fiskars. Here's a link: