Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Spirit of Giving.....A Question

I'm done shopping. I've already given some of my gifts out already. Well, the only gifts I've given out is to my staff at work.

Which leads me to a question of appropriate etiquette. This year, you see, as in all other years, I have given my workers at work gifts. I try to look for things that are unusual, that are more than gift cards, or consumables, or something of the like. I especially go to great lengths while I go on my travels abroad to bring back something for everyone from the countries I visit, such as I did this year. This years gift: a place serving set of 6 place mats and chop sticks sets, a bottle of wine, and a really cool pitcher from Crate and Barrel. Yes, each of my 10 employees got this.

Yet I find out today, however, that one of my employees went around to everyone at my office and specifically told them that they weren't to give me anything.

I know that it's more about the giving than the receiving, but to hear feedback like this was a bit of a shock. To say that I was pissed off would be an understatement.

Which leads me to the question:

What do I do next year?

Do I continue to give my employees a gift in spite of this person? Do I stop giving gifts altogether? I not give the offender a gift, and everyone else gets something?

Actually, in all of my experiences, I have never encountered this before. And...surprisingly, I am at a loss.

What do you all think?

After all, it is the spirit of giving that counts...supposedly.


Donna said...

First, let me begin by saying that a lot of people are full-out fucking crazy. And trying to make sense of what crazy people do will only result in making you equally crazy.

Who knows? The person in your story might be jealous of you, might be trying to compete with you, or might be protesting the fact that Pluto is no longer a planet. Does any of it make any sense? Nope.

That said, it's hard not to take it personally when someone is going around talking crap about you behind your back. Even if that person is "cuckoo-for-coco-puffs," or whatever the politically correct term is for someone that's full-out fucking crazy.

As an unbiased onlooker, it appears that you gave gifts that were thoughtfully selected, and extremely generous! Whereas Scrooge McGrinch dumped holiday "hater-ade" into the Christmas punch.

Sounds like both of you showed your true colors.

As far as next year is concerned, I think you should go to Penzeys Spices in Madison and pick up seasonings for your workers. Stuff like basil, chipotle, fennel, paprika... and one giant jar of "jerk."

What? It's a spice...

df said...