Thursday, March 12, 2009

Inside Out

It happened again today.

My worst fear was realized: part of my clothing was inside out. And I walked into work. I literally got dressed in the dark. Yes, I matched. Well....maybe my blacks didn't. But I matched nonetheless. sweater vest (a fashion style I seem to have become affixed to) was inside out.

Try as I might to make sure that I'm appropriately dressed to go out in public, apparently this was an oversight today. I say before that this has happened to me in the past.

One time, it was that I was wearing two different shoes. I remember having to give a presentation to a bunch of bank people. I glanced down at my shoes, and they were two totally different shoes. It wasn't that they looked the same. One was a black penny loafer, and one was a black wing tip.........WITH TASSLES. Funny, they should have felt different on my feet. But alas, they did not.

And yes, I went out and bought a new pair of shoes on a lunch break that day so as not to embarrass myself.

I've had my sweater inside out before too, only to find out about 6 hours into my working day (and after working with about 4 clients) that my fashion sense was somewhat askew.

Furthermore, I remember working with a woman who had her dress on completely inside out. Not wanting to embarrass her, I said nothing. Yet, a co-worker did. And this woman literally had a meltdown. I don't know which was better, not saying anything, or saying something.

Whatever the case may be, luckily this morning, I caught my error, and quickly right-sided myself before anyone would notice. Yet still I felt like a bonehead. And....I have no idea if I would have liked it if someone caught me at my weak moment.

Perhaps that would have been best. I most likely would have laughed (felt like a complete jackass for only a moment.....well....for certain to be reminded that this traumatic event happened), and not have had a meltdown.

But the shoes....I still look back and think....WTF was I thinking!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Travis and I had a parent teacher conference after school a couple years ago and his teacher had her shirt on inside out. It was 4:30 and she had clearly had it on all day. I wasn't going to say anything, but in the end I couldn't keep my big mouth shut. She started laughing histercally and told me that it was "inside out" day at school. I felt like a jackass. :) Good luck getting dressed tomorrow!