Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 2

I am starting day 2 of my post PRK journey. This morning my left eye felt like complete shit. I felt as if I had gotten caught in the middle of a sandstorm, and a bunch of sand was thrown in my left eye. Putting the drops in burned like hell, only hotter and more intense than probably hell has to offer.

Anyhow, I was overwhelmed this morning with being able to see the outline of the numbers on my alarm clock. So after trying to do as much as one can do in this circumstance, my friend Naomi again took me to my follow up appointment today.

They were completely ready for me. They asked me how things went, and I explained my situation to them. Perfectly normal they said. It then came time to read the eye chart. My right eye is seeing at about 20/30, and my left eye (when it wasn't gushing tears like Iguazu Falls) was seeing about 20/50. I was told this is really good progress. I'm encouraged.

Things look as if I'm looking through a piece of gauze, but on the whole it's amazing to realize that I'm seeing as much as I am without the assistance of corrective lenses.

It's overwhelming, but I'm looking forward to seeing how this journey through PRK (which actually means photorefractive keratectomy) is going to go.

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