Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Pilferer Among Us

Today has been a beautiful, sunny, breezy day at the beach house. We had the opportunity to lie out on the beach, on the deck, and take in some beautiful sun. Not wanting to get burned, we decided to get cleaned up and dressed and head into town, as we needed to get some swivel hooks for a kite I have.

The kite is a really cool diamond frame kite that is about 7 feet long, jet black in the form of a shark. I'm very excited to be able to fly it while I'm down here, and hopefully get some pictures of it in action. The swivel hooks we needed were to be able to attach the kite to the line.

So my mom and I decided we would head into Port St. Joe, go to the fishing/sporting store just in town, get the swivel hooks, and then head back, picking up some gulf shrimp on our way home. When we got back, my mom made the observation that some of the sandcastle materials were missing. These materials consisted of two large 5 gallon Blains Farm and Fleet buckets, 4 red rectangular block makers, and several assorted sand toys that my nieces played with while they were here.

I couldn't quite figure out what had happened, since I wasn't that observant when I got here. All afternoon we wondered what had happened to all of the sandcastle tools, and my mom was convinced that someone took them.

Getting back to the beach house, I took it upon myself to look all around the house, and all around outside. The first deduction that I made was that I thought that maybe the wind took the buckets and the things inside them and spilled them over into the neighbor's yard. As I looked along the east side of the neighbors' home at 728 Treasure Drive, Port St. Joe, Florida, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

That is until I looked over at their ground level patio, to see the bottom of some white buckets, and some rectangular red plastic blocks sitting in the shower stall next door, at 278 Treasure Dr., Port St. Joe, Florida.

Whoever lives or stays at the house on 278 Treasure Drive in Port St. Joe Florida, had moved the white buckets, the red rectangular brick makers, and all of my nieces' sand toys, and placed them in their outside shower stall either while we were gone, or while my mom picked me up at the airport yesterday. Apparently they thought that my mom, my brother and sister-in-law, and my nieces had left, and decided to help themselves to our things without asking.

Needless to say, being the shy unassertive person I am, I walked over to the house, unlatched the door to the outdoor shower, collected the buckets, the red brick makers, and my nieces' sand castle toys, and brought them back to where they belonged.

I have no idea if the people staying at 278 Treasure Dr., Port St. Joe, Florida have done this before, or if they have done this to other visitors' things, but one thing's for certain. The owners of the house we're staying in, as well as the rental agency we procured the house through, will be getting a nice note from me, notifying each that there are pilferers in the neighborhood, and that they happen to be staying next door.

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